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答: Termination resistance depend on the sink and source current need for the memory system. You can reference the DDR system level diagram in our datasheet.

答: EMI的抑制主要通过减小开关过程当中产生的高频振荡来解决,您可以在PCB设计中,尽量使电感靠近芯片,同时使用低辐射的电感封装。Freescale提供demo板供客户参考,具体可联系销售部或代理商。

答: There are many techniques, one would have an opposite temp coeff closed loop circuit to do this.  The opposire temp coeff will counteract with the change of the thermal of the monitoring device. I cannot tell you anymore but our device has the th

答: I will not try to make comparisons, it is not the objective of this webcast, but these devices offer:-
O/P overvoltage can be as high as 8V, The Output Overvoltage and Undervoltage blocks monitor the buck converter output voltage to ensure it is within

问:DDR3显存的延迟时间(CAS latency)一直是高频率显存的一大通病,飞思卡尔的这个延迟时间可以做到多少?
答: CAS Latency is the time it takes between the processor asking for some data from the memory and the memory returning it.

This product series apply for power management for the DDR memory only and CAS latency is handling by the memory controller.

答: Soft start is used to prevent the output voltage from overshooting during startup. Sometimes a cold start from a low level to a high level will generate a lot of transients or spikes that can harm your system. For our device we habe soft start to prevent a

问:对于开关模式的DC-DC 转换器,在设计中需要注意哪些问题?
答: 开关式的DCDC转换器,由于采用了与线性降压完全不同的方式,所以在设计时需要注意很多技巧。简略来讲,开关频率的选择,电感的大小,开关器件的耐压,允许通过电流的大小,等等都是需要考虑的对象。并且相互之间的关系也比较复杂。在此不能详细为您解释,可参考一些电源类设计的书籍。

答: Contact Freescale sales in your region.

问:Freescale 那些产品具有VREF输出?幅度是多高?输出精度呢?
答: MC34712 and MC34716 have VREF output. The accuracy is 1%.

问:最新的DDR SRAM的存储速度是多少?
答: For DDR3-1600, the rated clock is 1600 MHz and Maximum Transfer Rate is 12,800 MB/s. You can reference to the Web material.