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问:should all the addresses of I2C device be authorized by Philips?
答: On the I2C homepage of www.semiconductors.philips.com/i2c there is a request page for I2C addresses. It is not required to request an address if you can assign an address from a compariable device (i.e, 8 bit ADC and newer 10 bit ADC).

答: Philips 目前做到(2048*8)16K bit, 編號為PCF85116-3

问:对于把I^2 C集成在其它一些芯片中有没有打算,不知打算集成在那些芯片里面呢?I^2 C会不朝大容量方面发展?
答: 市面上已有一些I2C芯片,如microcontrollor, EEPROM..., 當然我們也會開發更多新的芯片,也希望您能提供寶貴的意見,大容量的IC, yes, already in developement

问:The LPT-to-I2C host adapter with serial EEPROM is also shipped with this tool.
I want to know whether it adapter to the RPROM?
答: I"m not sure exactly what the question is.
The Win-I2CNT parallel to I2C adapter has an EEPROM on the board. It is a serial EEPROM and communicates with the I2C bus on the adapter board. The I2C jack on the board is used to communicate with I2C de

答: 1. 如果要支持500 個從端, 需要一些I2C 器件來達成.
2. 一般情況下, 3 meters is OK
3. 有關
4. 無法保證傳輸的可靠性. I2C spec 沒有規範可靠性這方面的問題

答: 編程方式無法解決干擾
一個I2C Bus 下 可以有不同傳輸速率的從端共存

答: 可使用eeprom 上的write proection pin 預防竄改

答: I2C is mostly used for maintenance and control functions in many different kinds of equipment.

Probably PC, notebooks, servers using SMBus (similar to I2C) are the most successful areas.

问:如果要用长的电缆从MCU传送3.3V I2C到几个从器件板,有什么好的建议或要采用什么样的器件?
答: You can use Philips P82B96 or P82B715

答: 若是要使用在大量的數據傳輸,  目前的I2C 器件無法滿足需求
但I2C 規範中, I2C 總線速率可到3.4MHz. Philips 未來會供應high speed I2C 器件