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仪器仪表用Σ ΔADC产品ADI


答: First is the choosing of devices with high performance (low offset, low bias current, low noise...), especially for front end devices like amplifier, or high precision ADC with good front end performance (like chopper amp, PGA, temperature compensation cir

问:TI(原BB)公司的一些sigma-delta ADC采用了所谓的resolution plus技术可以实现40KSPS时19bit有效分辨率,请问ADI有没有类似技术和产品
答: The BB parts require a long settling time because of the digital filter. The settling time is 5 output cycles, therefore the effective conversion time is only 8kSPS.
Also, the resolution quoted is "Effective" resolution rather than "Peak

问:If i have the 35m 10bit ADC, how to modificate it to get the 100m 10bit adc? thank you
答: You can use several such ADCs, and input it to the same processor. Get the clock 3X should be enough for you.

答: You can simulate it. To find out its frequency domain property. I think you can find it in textbooks. <<System and Signal>> for example.

答: Please refer to the datasheet and the link below,chapter 10:http://www.analog.com/technology/amplifiersLinear/training/sensorSignal.html

答: 用差分输入仪表放大器(AD620,AD623,AD8821),且尽可能靠近传感器。放大后再传。称重中常这样。甚至用多个AD (AD7791),用数字传送,有时加ADuM1100 或 光耦隔离。

问:请问Σ ΔADC与普通的双积分型ADC除了在精度上,还有哪些优势与异同点,在什么时候能够与一般的逐次比较型ADC通用。谢谢!
答: Sigma-delta ADC uses over-sampling and noise shaping to achieve much lower noise performance than other type of ADC.  SAR, on the other hand, has much higher speed.

答: How many bits are you need?
AD7927 (8 ch 12bit SAR ADC) is very cheap.
AD7738 (8 CH 24bit S-D ADC) is very high accurate.
AD5308 (8 ch 8 bit DAC ) is very cheap.
AD5328 (8 ch 12 bit DAC) is also cheap.
You can also use ADUC831 (8ch 12b

答: Most of the ADI Sigma-Delta ADCs include an on-chip low-noise PGA amplifier and a high-impedance input buffer, therefore for many applications the sensor signal can be connected directly to the ADC inputs, with only a simple RC filter required for anti-ali

答: From what you described, this is caused by offset error and gain error.  What you need to do is to record the min and max values and then simply re-calculate the step size.  You can contact our technical center for further assistance on