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Analog Devices Blackfin处理器的全面剖析ADI


答: ADI有一个专用的电机控制系列DSP,它们是ADMC系列产品,它的特点是结构清晰、算法丰富、系统成本低等特点。目前ADI有完整的交流感应电机的方案及在家电及工业市场许多成功的应用实例。

答: Yes, You can find them from VisualDSP development platform.

问:blackfin 如何同arm cpu相连
答: Through SPI and Uart port.

问:How to get Blackfin hardcopy developing guidlines from ADI?
答: You could fill the following form, and then apply the hardcopy books:

答: 一般来讲CPU侧重控制的功能, DSP 侧重在实时信号处理,BLACKFIN是ADI与INTEL联合开发的产品,融合了CPU和DSP的优点。

问:PCI/PCI-X & AGP bus will be replaceed by PCI-express,can blackfin DSP will be compatiable with PCI-express  bus?  
答: Can not. BF is PCI2.2.

答: ZBF has four bank sram interface, you can use the second, third or fourth bank to exand SRAM and PCI bus.

问:Jack Xue, 你好: Blackfin的DSP芯片了解不多,刚才听了你的全面的技术演讲,能说说它的主要优点吗?相对与其它厂家在技术上的独特之处。
答: Blackfin的主要特点是有很高的性价比和较低的功耗.Blackfin在执行DSP程序和控制程序是都能有很高的效率,所以说Blackfin是DSP和CPU相结合的产物.此外Blackfin的动态电源管理可以调节电压和频率,也是比较出众的特性

答: Ethernet Controller can be connected to extrernal SRAM bus.

LCD controller can connected to SRAM bus and PPI bus. Like MQ2100, it can work in both condition.

问:How about it"s developing environment"? Is it easy to use?
答: The development tools includs VDSP++,ICE and EZ-kit that is easy to use.You can download the testdrive of VDSP++ from the website.