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答: I would like to suggest you to use the ADC with differential input ADC to avoid the noise interference.

答: The is some different in high speed and low speed. For high speed (>10M SPS), use a signal Ground in layer 2 of 4 layer, bottom layer in 2 layer PCB. For low speed ADC (< 1M SPS) use signal connect point under ADC or at power connect point (need two

答: Basically it depends on the signal amplitude after amplifier, and the resolution you need. However, for small signal, suggest to use bridge, and you can use AD7730 for directly handling bridge signal. You can also refer to the materials on below link: http

答: Signal point at low frequency, whole ground layer and connect as near as possible for hign spee.
Please refer befor answer.

问:1.二阶过采样为128倍,一位量化的Sigma—Delta AD的理论上可以达到16bit的精度,在实际低频情况下可以达到多少位?原因是什么?
2。如何验证sigma—delta AD调治器的信噪比?
3。请讲一下Pipeline AD 中数字纠错的原理。谢谢!
答: 1. It can reach 24-bit in parctice. The reason is the noise shaping technology used in this kind of ADC.

For more information you can refer to the following three application notes provided by ADI:
AN-283, AN-388, AN-389

答: 1. Simply you need to note PCB layout, supply de-coupling, grounding, clk, digital signal buffer, impedance match. Normally you can find these kind of imformation from the datasheet, also you can refer to the material of below link:  Http://www.a

答: Normal use the maxim sample rate for all the channel. AD7490 (16 channel 12bit) has a sequency in side, will automatically change from one channel to another.
If different, it"s much difficult to control.

答: Yes, you can choose ADC with PGA, which means you can have different input range, then the dymanic range of ADC can be improved. For other actual design questions, below is a link to a good design guide of high speed ADC from ADI: http://www.analog.com/tec

问:7.对于咱公司的大部分sigma_delta ADC,梳妆滤波器、半带滤波器及FIR低通滤波器在各级一般是如何先后安排的?半带滤波器在抽取时会有少量的混叠,影响大吗?使用中只是不用作最后一级就可以了?FIR滤波器
The first stage filter is a low-pass, sinc3 or (sinx/x)3 filter whose primary function is to remove the quantization noise introduced at the modulator.
The second can run Normal FIR Operation.
SINC3 will ha

答: This application should use DAC here. The INL/DNL and output stage (current or voltage) are you considerations.